
29 October 2010


Book Blogger Hop...

The Friday Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books, and today's question is:

"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"

Ahhh....this is a very, very dangerous question.  Similar to Crazy for Books, and I'm sure you all may feel the same way, too...I'd be super ecstatic to have my very own separate large library in my home.  You know the kind -- the kind you find in London or Italy, dark wood, an open middle with a spiral stairway leading up to the second level...this is the closest picture that I could find.

Sigh.  One day.

Happy Reading!
Coffee and a Book Chick


  1. Sigh one day is right :-)

    Here is my answer.


  2. Oh my heavens!!! What an incredible room!!! WOW!

  3. That is so close to the picture in my head!! Reading the posts, it seems overwhelmingly everyone wants the big library. One day!

  4. What a great picture! Sigh .. one of these days ...

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  5. Mmm that picture makes me -very- jealous. *sigh* Thanks for hopping by and have a great w/e :)

  6. *HUGE SIGH* Don't you just love how that looks? I hope some day soon you get your dream library - then you can invite me over and we can sigh together while we read LOL

    Thanks for coming by :)

  7. Me too!! One day.. I can only wish!! I saw an awesome pic posted by another blogger last week... I will have to find it!
    I'm following ( :

  8. Wouldn't that be a dream to have all that space. Love the pic. I think it would be fitting for all of our dreams. Thanks for the follow returning the favor. New follower.

  9. Omg! That's exactly the kind of library I want!
    My Hop

  10. When we win the Lottery and build our own house this is the kind of library I want.

    enjoy ur weekend!


  11. I'm coming to visit when you add that on. I'll just sleep in the library!

  12. I love your library! Now that's what I want in my house....but I think I'd have to get another house to fit that library!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog, Brazen Broads Book Bash!


  13. Oh, yes! A library filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves, big comfy chairs - and a spiral bookcase, I hadn't thought of that - would be fantastic!

    Stop by my blog to check out our new Friday Wish-list Hop!

  14. Glorious! The only thing I would change in that room is the chair. A library needs a collection of big, pouffy, comfy chairs. The other thing I would have to add is time. My one bookish desire would be to have heaps and heaps of book reading time.

  15. How amazing is that Library/bookshelves!!!! *Sighs a sorrwoful sigh* I would love it!

    Mine is owning a bookstore!!!

    Hope you hop by for the hop....

  16. Gorgeous. I would never ever leave that room.

  17. sigh....me too....I want one to look just like that image.

  18. Hopping back to you! Wow...that room would be amazing! I could get lost in there forever...

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books.

  19. I also would love to have a home with shelves all over the walls, and am always trying to convince my husband that we need to find a house like that! Great minds think alike!

  20. Me too! That is one of my many book fantasies! Thanks for hooping by!


  21. Oh, total bliss! Love that photo and that fantasy...of course, I would also need a housekeeper to make sure everything is dusted! LOL

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  22. I picked the same thing so I'm right there with you. Happy hopping!

  23. Thanks for stopping my my blog! I love that picture, and I am right there with you in wanting something like that!

    I'm a new follower :-)

  24. Hi,
    I'm doing my rounds for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday so I'm stopping to say say hello. :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    I'm an new follower.


  25. I'd like a room just like yours. :)

    But failing that: I'd like a newly discovered first/first signed copy of Pride and Prejudice. HA!

    Then I'd probably sell it and buy the library.

  26. I love that room, except I would need a fireplace so I am envisioning a fireplace somewhere off camera. :) Happy reading

  27. I love the picture you included...maybe one day!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - did you see the giveaway I have going on?

  28. *laughs*

    I just finished my post and yours is the first Hopper I've visited so far - and we used the same photo!! Classic isn't it?! It's a great looking library - don't you love the mezzanine? :D

  29. Ooooohhh that room is sooo gorgeous! Ya one day.......
    Natalie :0)
    Book Blogger Hop

  30. Hopping back at you....thanks for stopping by mine. Love that library!

  31. thanks for stopping by my blog! That is a great library-two stories of books! Sigh.
    Your partner in dreaming, MJ

  32. I as well, would love a library that big for myself! Actually found a picture of one I would just LOVE!

    Now following!

  33. Oh this picture is to DIE for.

  34. That is a wonderful library. Oh to have that much room for books! I notice we have similar reading interests. I am a new follower :)

  35. That is exactly the library I was picturing when I answered the question today. Except I would like a larger window so I can see the garden outside. And I assume there is a fireplace in there too, just out of range of the camera!

  36. Whoa! I want that too- that library would be fantastic. Much better than my overloaded bookshelves!

  37. Thanks for hopping by. That picture is seriously beautiful. All that polished wood is making my mouth drool a little. Amazing choice. Have an awesome weekend!

  38. OOOOOOO so want that too......

    PLEASE LOTTO TICKET... Please....

  39. Hopping by from the Book Blogger Hop! I love your blog title!

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!


  40. I could live in that library! Hopping by, already a follower...

  41. That would be wonderful, your own separate library! Requiring a pretty big house, perhaps on a forested lot or by the beach, with a couple of horses :)

  42. It is lovely. The warm wood is wonderful--and all those books!

  43. Oh yeah - wouldn't that be just amazing! I am with you!

  44. Bookish minds think alike! I love the idea of a spiral staircase! Pretty sure I would spend more time in the library than in my bedroom =)

  45. I am green with envy over that one for sure. I'm speechless :(

  46. Thanks to everyone for stopping by! Please feel free to come by again!

  47. Love it:) my dream too...one day!!!

